Package 'CausalQueries'

Title: Make, Update, and Query Binary Causal Models
Description: Users can declare causal models over binary nodes, update beliefs about causal types given data, and calculate arbitrary queries. Updating is implemented in 'stan'. See Humphreys and Jacobs, 2023, Integrated Inferences (<DOI: 10.1017/9781316718636>) and Pearl, 2009 Causality (<DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511803161>).
Authors: Clara Bicalho [ctb], Jasper Cooper [ctb], Macartan Humphreys [aut] , Till Tietz [aut, cre] , Alan Jacobs [aut], Merlin Heidemanns [ctb], Lily Medina [aut] , Julio Solis [ctb], Georgiy Syunyaev [aut]
Maintainer: Till Tietz <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.3.2
Built: 2025-02-12 17:21:36 UTC

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'CausalQueries' is a package that lets users generate binary causal models, update over models given data, and calculate arbitrary causal queries. Model definition makes use of dagitty type syntax. Updating is implemented in 'stan'.


Maintainer: Till Tietz [email protected] (ORCID)


Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

Data helpers


Various helpers to simulate data and to manipulate data types between compact and long forms.

collapse_data can be used to convert long form data to compact form data,

expand_data can be used to convert compact form data (one row per data type) to long form data (one row per observation).

make_data generates a dataset with one row per observation.

make_events generates a dataset with one row for each data type. Draws full data only. To generate various types of incomplete data see make_data.


  drop_NA = TRUE,
  drop_family = FALSE,
  summary = FALSE

expand_data(data_events = NULL, model)

  n = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  param_type = NULL,
  nodes = NULL,
  n_steps = NULL,
  probs = NULL,
  subsets = TRUE,
  complete_data = NULL,
  given = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,

  n = 1,
  w = NULL,
  P = NULL,
  A = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  param_type = NULL,
  include_strategy = FALSE,



A data.frame. Data of nodes that can take three values: 0, 1, and NA. In long form as generated by make_events


A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


Logical. Whether to exclude strategy families that contain no observed data. Exceptionally if no data is provided, minimal data on data on first node is returned. Defaults to 'TRUE'


Logical. Whether to remove column strategy from the output. Defaults to 'FALSE'.


Logical. Whether to return summary of the data. See details. Defaults to 'FALSE'.


A 'compact' data.frame with one row per data type. Must be compatible with nodes in model. The default columns are event, strategy and count.


An integer. Number of observations.


A vector of real numbers in [0,1]. Values of parameters to specify (optional). By default, parameters is drawn from the parameters dataframe. See inspect(model, "parameters_df").


A character. String specifying type of parameters to make 'flat', 'prior_mean', 'posterior_mean', 'prior_draw', 'posterior_draw', 'define. With param_type set to define use arguments to be passed to make_priors; otherwise flat sets equal probabilities on each nodal type in each parameter set; prior_mean, prior_draw, posterior_mean, posterior_draw take parameters as the means or as draws from the prior or posterior.


A list. Which nodes to be observed at each step. If NULL all nodes are observed.


A list. Number of observations to be observed at each step


A list. Observation probabilities at each step


A list. Strata within which observations are to be observed at each step. TRUE for all, otherwise an expression that evaluates to a logical condition.


A data.frame. Dataset with complete observations. Optional.


A string specifying known values on nodes, e.g. "X==1 & Y==1"


Logical. If TRUE prints step schedule.


Arguments to be passed to make_priors if param_type == define


A numeric matrix. A 'n_parameters x 1' matrix of event probabilities with named rows.


A data.frame. Parameter matrix. Not required but may be provided to avoid repeated computation for simulations. See inspect(model, "parameter_matrix").


A data.frame. Ambiguities matrix. Not required but may be provided to avoid repeated computation for simulations. inspect(model, "ambiguities_matrix")


Logical. Whether to include a 'strategy' vector. Defaults to FALSE. Strategy vector does not vary with full data but expected by some functions.


Note that default behavior is not to take account of whether a node has already been observed when determining whether to select or not. One can however specifically request observation of nodes that have not been previously observed.


A vector of data events

If summary = TRUE 'collapse_data' returns a list containing the following components:


A compact data.frame of event types and strategies.


A vector of character strings specifying the events observed in the data


A vector of character strings specifying the events not observed in the data

A data.frame with rows as data observation

A data.frame with simulated data.

A data.frame of events

See Also

Other data_generation: get_all_data_types(), make_data_single(), observe_data()

Other data_generation: get_all_data_types(), make_data_single(), observe_data()


model <- make_model('X -> Y')

df <- data.frame(X = c(0,1,NA), Y = c(0,0,1))

df |> collapse_data(model)

# Illustrating options

df |> collapse_data(model, drop_NA = FALSE)

df |> collapse_data(model, drop_family = TRUE)

df |> collapse_data(model, summary = TRUE)

# Appropriate behavior given restricted models

model <- make_model('X -> Y') |>
df <- make_data(model, n = 10)
df[1,1] <- ''
df |> collapse_data(model)

df <- data.frame(X = 0:1)
df |> collapse_data(model)

model <- make_model('X->M->Y')
make_events(model, n = 5) |>
make_events(model, n = 0) |>

# Simple draws
model <- make_model("X -> M -> Y")
make_data(model, n = 3, nodes = c("X","Y"))
make_data(model, n = 3, param_type = "prior_draw")
make_data(model, n = 10, param_type = "define", parameters =  0:9)

# Data Strategies
# A strategy in which X, Y are observed for sure and M is observed
# with 50% probability for X=1, Y=0 cases

model <- make_model("X -> M -> Y")
  n = 8,
  nodes = list(c("X", "Y"), "M"),
  probs = list(1, .5),
  subsets = list(TRUE, "X==1 & Y==0"))

# n not provided but inferred from largest n_step (not from sum of n_steps)
  nodes = list(c("X", "Y"), "M"),
  n_steps = list(5, 2))

# Wide then deep
  n = 8,
  nodes = list(c("X", "Y"), "M"),
  subsets = list(TRUE, "! & !"),
  n_steps = list(6, 2))

  n = 8,
  nodes = list(c("X", "Y"), c("X", "M")),
  subsets = list(TRUE, ""),
  n_steps = list(3, 2))

# Example with probabilities at each step

  n = 8,
  nodes = list(c("X", "Y"), c("X", "M")),
  subsets = list(TRUE, ""),
  probs = list(.5, .2))

# Example with given data
make_data(model, given = "X==1 & Y==1", n = 5)

model <- make_model('X -> Y')
make_events(model = model)
make_events(model = model, param_type = 'prior_draw')
make_events(model = model, include_strategy = TRUE)

Development and Democratization: Data for replication of analysis in *Integrated Inferences*


A dataset containing information on inequality, democracy, mobilization, and international pressure. Made by devtools::use_data(democracy_data, CausalQueries)




A data frame with 84 rows and 5 nodes:








International Pressure




Draw a single causal type given a parameter vector


Output is a parameter data frame recording both parameters (case level priors) and the case level causal type.


draw_causal_type(model, ...)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


Arguments passed to 'set_parameters'


# Simple draw using model's parameter vector
make_model("X -> M -> Y") |>

# Draw parameters from priors and draw type from parameters
make_model("X -> M -> Y") |>
draw_causal_type(, param_type = "prior_draw")

# Draw type given specified parameters
make_model("X -> M -> Y") |>
draw_causal_type(parameters = 1:10)

Get all data types


Creates data frame with all data types (including NA types) that are possible from a model.


  complete_data = FALSE,
  possible_data = FALSE,
  given = NULL



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


Logical. If 'TRUE' returns only complete data types (no NAs). Defaults to 'FALSE'.


Logical. If 'TRUE' returns only complete data types (no NAs) that are *possible* given model restrictions. Note that in principle an intervention could make observationally impossible data types arise. Defaults to 'FALSE'.


A character. A quoted statement that evaluates to logical. Data conditional on specific values.


A data.frame with all data types (including NA types) that are possible from a model.

See Also

Other data_generation: data_helpers, make_data_single(), observe_data()


make_model('X -> Y') |> get_all_data_types()
model <- make_model('X -> Y') |>
  set_restrictions(labels = list(Y = '00'), keep = TRUE)
  get_all_data_types(model, complete_data = TRUE)
  get_all_data_types(model, possible_data = TRUE)
  get_all_data_types(model, given  = 'X==1')
  get_all_data_types(model, given  = 'X==1 & Y==1')

Draw event probabilities


'get_event_probabilities' draws event probability vector 'w' given a single realization of parameters


  parameters = NULL,
  A = NULL,
  P = NULL,
  given = NULL



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A vector of real numbers in [0,1]. Values of parameters to specify (optional). By default, parameters is drawn from the parameters dataframe. See inspect(model, "parameters_df").


A data.frame. Ambiguities matrix. Not required but may be provided to avoid repeated computation for simulations. inspect(model, "ambiguities_matrix")


A data.frame. Parameter matrix. Not required but may be provided to avoid repeated computation for simulations. See inspect(model, "parameter_matrix").


A string specifying known values on nodes, e.g. "X==1 & Y==1"


An array of event probabilities


model <- make_model('X -> Y')
get_event_probabilities(model = model)
get_event_probabilities(model = model, given = "X==1")
get_event_probabilities(model = model, parameters = rep(1, 6))
get_event_probabilities(model = model, parameters = 1:6)

Look up query types


Find which nodal or causal types are satisfied by a query.


get_query_types(model, query, map = "causal_type", join_by = "|")



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A character string. An expression defining nodal types to interrogate. An expression of the form "Y[X=1]" asks for the value of Y when X is set to 1


Types in query. Either nodal_type or causal_type. Default is causal_type.


A logical operator. Used to connect causal statements: AND ('&') or OR ('|'). Defaults to '|'.


A list containing some of the following elements


A named vector with logical values indicating whether a nodal_type or a causal_type satisfy 'query'


A character string as specified by the user


A character string with the expanded query. Only differs from ‘query' if this contains wildcard ’.'


Value that the nodes take given a query


A character string of the node whose nodal types are being queried


List of causal types satisfied by a query


model <- make_model('X -> M -> Y; X->Y')
query <- '(Y[X=0] > Y[X=1])'

get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type")
get_query_types(model, query, map="causal_type")
get_query_types(model, query)

# Examples with map = "nodal_type"

query <- '(Y[X=0, M = .] > Y[X=1, M = 0])'
get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type")

query <- '(Y[] == 1)'
get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type")
get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type", join_by = '&')

# Root nodes specified with []
get_query_types(model, '(X[] == 1)', map="nodal_type")

query <- '(M[X=1] == M[X=0])'
get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type")

# Nested do operations
 model = make_model('A -> B -> C -> D'),
 query = '(D[C=C[B=B[A=1]], A=0] > D[C=C[B=B[A=0]], A=0])')

# Helpers
model <- make_model('M->Y; X->Y')
query <- complements('X', 'M', 'Y')
get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type")

# Examples with map = "causal_type"

model <- make_model('X -> M -> Y; X->Y')
query <- 'Y[M=M[X=0], X=1]==1'
get_query_types(model, query, map= "causal_type")

query <- '(Y[X = 1, M = 1] >  Y[X = 0, M = 1]) &
          (Y[X = 1, M = 0] >  Y[X = 0, M = 0])'
get_query_types(model, query, "causal_type")

query <- 'Y[X=1] == Y[X=0]'
get_query_types(model, query, "causal_type")

query <- '(X == 1) & (M==1) & (Y ==1) & (Y[X=0] ==1)'
get_query_types(model, query, "causal_type")

query <- '(Y[X = .]==1)'
get_query_types(model, query, "causal_type")

Helpers for inspecting causal models


Various helpers to inspect or access internal objects generated or used by Causal Models

Returns specified elements from a causal_model and prints summary. Users can use inspect to extract model's components or objects implied by the model structure including nodal types, causal types, parameter priors, parameter posteriors, type priors, type posteriors, and other relevant elements. See argument what for other options.

Returns specified elements from a causal_model. Users can use inspect to extract model's components or objects implied by the model structure including nodal types, causal types, parameter priors, parameter posteriors, type priors, type posteriors, and other relevant elements. See argument what for other options.


inspect(model, what = NULL, ...)

grab(model, what = NULL, ...)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A character string specifying the component to retrieve. Available options are:

  • "statement" a character string describing causal relations using dagitty syntax,

  • "nodes" A list containing the nodes in the model,

  • "parents_df" A table listing nodes, whether they are root nodes or not, and the number and names of parents they have,

  • "parameters" A vector of 'true' parameters,

  • "parameter_names" A vector of names of parameters,

  • "parameter_mapping" A matrix mapping from parameters into data types,

  • "parameter_matrix" A matrix mapping from parameters into causal types,

  • "parameters_df" A data frame containing parameter information,

  • "causal_types" A data frame listing causal types and the nodal types that produce them,

  • "nodal_types" A list with the nodal types of the model,

  • "data_types" A list with all data types consistent with the model; for options see ?get_all_data_types,

  • "ambiguities_matrix" A matrix mapping from causal types into data types,

  • "prior_hyperparameters" A vector of alpha values used to parameterize Dirichlet prior distributions; optionally provide node names to reduce output, e.g., inspect(prior_hyperparameters, nodes = c('M', 'Y')),

  • "prior_distribution" A data frame of the parameter prior distribution,

  • "posterior_distribution" A data frame of the parameter posterior distribution,

  • "type_prior" A matrix of type probabilities using priors,

  • "type_posterior" A matrix of type probabilities using posteriors,

  • "prior_event_probabilities" A vector of data (event) probabilities given a single realization of parameters; for options see ?get_event_probabilities,

  • "posterior_event_probabilities" A sample of data (event) probabilities from the posterior,

  • "data" A data frame with data that was provided to update the model,

  • stan_summary" A 'stanfit' summary with processed parameter names,

  • "stanfit" An (unprocessed) stanfit object as generated by Stan, with raw parameter names,

  • "stan_warnings" Messages generated during the generation of a stanfit object.


Other arguments passed to helper "get_*" functions: get_all_data_types, get_event_probabilities, get_priors, Any such additional arguments must be named.


Objects that can be derived from a causal_model, with summary.

Quiet return of objects that can be derived from a causal_model.


model <- make_model("X -> Y")
data <- make_data(model, n = 4)

inspect(model, what = "statement")
inspect(model, what = "parameters")
inspect(model, what = "nodes")
inspect(model, what = "parents_df")
inspect(model, what = "parameters_df")
inspect(model, what = "causal_types")
inspect(model, what = "prior_distribution")
inspect(model, what = "prior_hyperparameters", nodes = "Y")
inspect(model, what = "prior_event_probabilities", parameters = c(.1, .9, .25, .25, 0, .5))
inspect(model, what = "prior_event_probabilities", given = "Y==1")
inspect(model, what = "data_types", complete_data = TRUE)
inspect(model, what = "data_types", complete_data = FALSE)

model <- update_model(model,
  data = data,
  keep_fit = TRUE,
  keep_event_probabilities = TRUE)

inspect(model, what = "posterior_distribution")
inspect(model, what = "posterior_event_probabilities")
inspect(model, what = "type_posterior")
inspect(model, what = "data")
inspect(model, what = "stan_warnings")
inspect(model, what = "stanfit")

model <- make_model("X -> Y")

x <- grab(model, what = "statement")

Institutions and growth: Data for replication of analysis in *Integrated Inferences*


A dataset containing dichotomized versions of variables in Rodrik, Subramanian, and Trebbi (2004).




A data frame with 79 rows and 5 columns:


Income (GDP PPP 1995), dichotomized


Institutions, (based on Kaufmann, Kraay, and Zoido-Lobaton (2002)) dichotomized


Distance from the equator (in degrees), dichotomized


Settler mortality (from Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson), dichotomized




Interpret or find position in nodal type


Interprets the position of one or more digits (specified by position) in a nodal type. Alternatively returns nodal type digit positions that correspond to one or more given condition.


interpret_type(model, condition = NULL, position = NULL, nodes = NULL)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A vector of characters. Strings specifying the child node, followed by '|' (given) and the values of its parent nodes in model.


A named list of integers. The name is the name of the child node in model, and its value a vector of digit positions in that node's nodal type to be interpreted. See 'Details'.


A vector of names of nodes. Can be used to limit interpretation to selected nodes.


A node for a child node X with k parents has a nodal type represented by X followed by 2^k digits. Argument position allows user to interpret the meaning of one or more digit positions in any nodal type. For example position = list(X = 1:3) will return the interpretation of the first three digits in causal types for X. Argument condition allows users to query the digit position in the nodal type by providing instead the values of the parent nodes of a given child. For example, condition = 'X | Z=0 & R=1' returns the digit position that corresponds to values X takes when Z = 0 and R = 1.


A named list with interpretation of positions of the digits in a nodal type


model <- make_model('R -> X; Z -> X; X -> Y')
#Return interpretation of all digit positions of all nodes
#Example using digit position
interpret_type(model, position = list(X = c(3,4), Y = 1))
interpret_type(model, position = list(R = 1))
#Example using condition
interpret_type(model, condition = c('X | Z=0 & R=1', 'X | Z=0 & R=0'))
# Example using node names
interpret_type(model, nodes = c("Y", "R"))

Lipids: Data for Chickering and Pearl replication


A compact dataset containing information on an encouragement, (Z, cholestyramine prescription), a treatment (X, usage), and an outcome (Y, cholesterol). From David Maxwell Chickering and Judea Pearl: "A Clinician’s Tool for Analyzing Non-compliance", AAAI-96 Proceedings. Chickering and Pearl in turn draw the data from Efron, Bradley, and David Feldman. "Compliance as an explanatory variable in clinical trials." Journal of the American Statistical Association 86.413 (1991): 9-17.




A data frame with 8 rows and 3 columns:


The data type


For which nodes is data available


Number of units with this data type


Make a model


make_model uses causal statements encoded as strings to specify the nodes and edges of a graph. Implied causal types are calculated and default priors are provided under the assumption of no confounding. Models can be updated with specification of a parameter matrix, P, by providing restrictions on causal types, and/or by providing informative priors on parameters. The default setting for a causal model have flat (uniform) priors and parameters putting equal weight on each parameter within each parameter set. These can be adjust with set_priors and set_parameters


make_model(statement = "X -> Y", add_causal_types = TRUE, nodal_types = NULL)



character string. Statement describing causal relations between nodes. Only directed relations are permitted. For instance "X -> Y" or "X1 -> Y <- X2; X1 -> X2".


Logical. Whether to create and attach causal types to model. Defaults to 'TRUE'.


List of nodal types associated with model nodes


An object of class causal_model.

An object of class "causal_model" is a list containing at least the following components:


A character vector of the statement that defines the model


A data.frame with columns 'parent'and 'children' indicating how nodes relate to each other.


A named list with the nodes in the model


A data.frame listing nodes, whether they are root nodes or not, and the number of parents they have


Optional: A named list with the nodal types in the model. List should be ordered according to the causal ordering of nodes. If NULL nodal types are generated. If FALSE, a parameters data frame is not generated.


A data.frame with descriptive information of the parameters in the model


A data.frame listing causal types and the nodal types that produce them

See Also

summary.causal_model provides summary method for output objects of class causal_model


make_model(statement = "X -> Y")
modelXKY <- make_model("X -> K -> Y; X -> Y")

# Example where cyclicaly dag attempted
## Not run: 
 modelXKX <- make_model("X -> K -> X")

## End(Not run)

# Examples with confounding
model <- make_model("X->Y; X <-> Y")
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")
model <- make_model("Y2 <- X -> Y1; X <-> Y1; X <-> Y2")
dim(inspect(model, "parameter_matrix"))
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")
model <- make_model("X1 -> Y <- X2; X1 <-> Y; X2 <-> Y")
dim(inspect(model, "parameter_matrix"))
inspect(model, "parameters_df")

# A single node graph is also possible
model <- make_model("X")

# Unconnected nodes not allowed
## Not run: 
 model <- make_model("X <-> Y")

## End(Not run)

nodal_types <-
    A = c("0","1"),
    B = c("0","1"),
    C = c("0","1"),
    D = c("0","1"),
    E = c("0","1"),
    Y = c(
      "11111111111111111111111111111111" ))

make_model("A -> Y; B ->Y; C->Y; D->Y; E->Y",
          nodal_types = nodal_types) |>

nodal_types = list(Y = c("01", "10"), Z = c("0", "1"))
make_model("Z -> Y", nodal_types = nodal_types) |>

Setting parameters


Functionality for altering parameters:

A vector of 'true' parameters; possibly drawn from prior or posterior.

Add a true parameter vector to a model. Parameters can be created using arguments passed to make_parameters and make_priors.

Extracts parameters as a named vector


  parameters = NULL,
  param_type = NULL,
  warning = TRUE,
  normalize = TRUE,

  parameters = NULL,
  param_type = NULL,
  warning = FALSE,

get_parameters(model, param_type = NULL)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A vector of real numbers in [0,1]. Values of parameters to specify (optional). By default, parameters is drawn from the parameters dataframe. See inspect(model, "parameters_df").


A character. String specifying type of parameters to make "flat", "prior_mean", "posterior_mean", "prior_draw", "posterior_draw", "define". With param_type set to define use arguments to be passed to make_priors; otherwise flat sets equal probabilities on each nodal type in each parameter set; prior_mean, prior_draw, posterior_mean, posterior_draw take parameters as the means or as draws from the prior or posterior.


Logical. Whether to warn about parameter renormalization.


Logical. If parameter given for a subset of a family the residual elements are normalized so that parameters in param_set sum to 1 and provided params are unaltered.


Options passed onto make_priors.


A vector of draws from the prior or distribution of parameters

An object of class causal_model. It essentially returns a list containing the elements comprising a model (e.g. 'statement', 'nodal_types' and 'DAG') with true vector of parameters attached to it.

A vector of draws from the prior or distribution of parameters


# make_parameters examples:

# Simple examples
model <- make_model('X -> Y')
data  <- make_data(model, n = 2)
model <- update_model(model, data)
make_parameters(model, parameters = c(.25, .75, 1.25,.25, .25, .25))
make_parameters(model, param_type = 'flat')
make_parameters(model, param_type = 'prior_draw')
make_parameters(model, param_type = 'prior_mean')
make_parameters(model, param_type = 'posterior_draw')
make_parameters(model, param_type = 'posterior_mean')

#altering values using \code{alter_at}
make_model("X -> Y") |> make_parameters(parameters = c(0.5,0.25),
alter_at = "node == 'Y' & nodal_type %in% c('00','01')")

#altering values using \code{param_names}
make_model("X -> Y") |> make_parameters(parameters = c(0.5,0.25),
param_names = c("Y.10","Y.01"))

#altering values using \code{statement}
make_model("X -> Y") |> make_parameters(parameters = c(0.5),
statement = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]")

#altering values using a combination of other arguments
make_model("X -> Y") |> make_parameters(parameters = c(0.5,0.25),
node = "Y", nodal_type = c("00","01"))

# Normalize renormalizes values not set so that value set is not renomalized
make_parameters(make_model('X -> Y'),
               statement = 'Y[X=1]>Y[X=0]', parameters = .5)
make_parameters(make_model('X -> Y'),
               statement = 'Y[X=1]>Y[X=0]', parameters = .5,
               normalize = FALSE)


# set_parameters examples:

make_model('X->Y') |>  set_parameters(1:6) |>  inspect("parameters")

# Simple examples
model <- make_model('X -> Y')
data  <- make_data(model, n = 2)
model <- update_model(model, data)
set_parameters(model, parameters = c(.25, .75, 1.25,.25, .25, .25))
set_parameters(model, param_type = 'flat')
set_parameters(model, param_type = 'prior_draw')
set_parameters(model, param_type = 'prior_mean')
set_parameters(model, param_type = 'posterior_draw')
set_parameters(model, param_type = 'posterior_mean')

#altering values using \code{alter_at}
make_model("X -> Y") |> set_parameters(parameters = c(0.5,0.25),
alter_at = "node == 'Y' & nodal_type %in% c('00','01')")

#altering values using \code{param_names}
make_model("X -> Y") |> set_parameters(parameters = c(0.5,0.25),
param_names = c("Y.10","Y.01"))

#altering values using \code{statement}
make_model("X -> Y") |> set_parameters(parameters = c(0.5),
statement = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]")

#altering values using a combination of other arguments
make_model("X -> Y") |> set_parameters(parameters = c(0.5,0.25),
node = "Y", nodal_type = c("00","01"))

Print a short summary for a causal model


print method for class "causal_model".


## S3 method for class 'causal_model'
print(x, ...)



An object of causal_model class, usually a result of a call to make_model or update_model.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The information regarding the causal model includes the statement describing causal relations using dagitty syntax, number of nodal types per parent in a DAG, and number of causal types.

Print a tightened summary of model queries


print method for class model_query.


## S3 method for class 'model_query'
print(x, ...)



An object of model_query class.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.

Setting priors


Functionality for altering priors:

make_priors Generates priors for a model.

set_priors Adds priors to a model.

Extracts priors as a named vector


  alphas = NA,
  distribution = NA,
  alter_at = NA,
  node = NA,
  nodal_type = NA,
  label = NA,
  param_set = NA,
  given = NA,
  statement = NA,
  join_by = "|",
  param_names = NA

  alphas = NA,
  distribution = NA,
  alter_at = NA,
  node = NA,
  nodal_type = NA,
  label = NA,
  param_set = NA,
  given = NA,
  statement = NA,
  join_by = "|",
  param_names = NA

get_priors(model, nodes = NULL)



A model object generated by make_model().


Real positive numbers giving hyperparameters of the Dirichlet distribution


string indicating a common prior distribution (uniform, jeffreys or certainty)


string specifying filtering operations to be applied to parameters_df, yielding a logical vector indicating parameters for which values should be altered. (see examples)


string indicating nodes which are to be altered


string. Label for nodal type indicating nodal types for which values are to be altered


string. Label for nodal type indicating nodal types for which values are to be altered. Equivalent to nodal_type.


string indicating the name of the set of parameters to be altered


string indicates the node on which the parameter to be altered depends


causal query that determines nodal types for which values are to be altered


string specifying the logical operator joining expanded types when statement contains wildcards. Can take values '&' (logical AND) or '|' (logical OR).


vector of strings. The name of specific parameter in the form of, for example, 'X.1', 'Y.01'


a vector of nodes


Seven arguments govern which parameters should be altered. The default is 'all' but this can be reduced by specifying

* alter_at String specifying filtering operations to be applied to parameters_df, yielding a logical vector indicating parameters for which values should be altered. "node == 'X' & nodal_type

* node, which restricts for example to parameters associated with node 'X'

* label or nodal_type The label of a particular nodal type, written either in the form Y0000 or Y.Y0000

* param_set The param_set of a parameter.

* given Given parameter set of a parameter.

* statement, which restricts for example to nodal types that satisfy the statement 'Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]'

* param_set, given, which are useful when setting confound statements that produce several sets of parameters

Two arguments govern what values to apply:

* alphas is one or more non-negative numbers and

* distribution indicates one of a common class: uniform, Jeffreys, or 'certain'

Forbidden statements include:

  • Setting distribution and values at the same time.

  • Setting a distribution other than uniform, Jeffreys, or certainty.

  • Setting negative values.

  • specifying alter_at with any of node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement, or param_names

  • specifying param_names with any of node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement, or alter_at

  • specifying statement with any of node or nodal_type


A vector indicating the parameters of the prior distribution of the nodal types ("hyperparameters").

An object of class causal_model. It essentially returns a list containing the elements comprising a model (e.g. 'statement', 'nodal_types' and 'DAG') with the 'priors' attached to it.

A vector indicating the hyperparameters of the prior distribution of the nodal types.


# make_priors examples:

# Pass all nodal types
model <- make_model("Y <- X")
make_priors(model, alphas = .4)
make_priors(model, distribution = "jeffreys")

model <- CausalQueries::make_model("X -> M -> Y; X <-> Y")

#altering values using \code{alter_at}
make_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
alter_at = "node == 'Y' & nodal_type %in% c('00','01') & given == 'X.0'")

#altering values using \code{param_names}
make_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
param_names = c("Y.10_X.0","Y.10_X.1"))

#altering values using \code{statement}
make_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
statement = "Y[M=1] > Y[M=0]")

#altering values using a combination of other arguments
make_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
node = "Y", nodal_type = c("00","01"), given = "X.0")

# set_priors examples:

# Pass all nodal types
model <- make_model("Y <- X")
set_priors(model, alphas = .4)
set_priors(model, distribution = "jeffreys")

model <- CausalQueries::make_model("X -> M -> Y; X <-> Y")

#altering values using \code{alter_at}
set_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
alter_at = "node == 'Y' & nodal_type %in% c('00','01') & given == 'X.0'")

#altering values using \code{param_names}
set_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
param_names = c("Y.10_X.0","Y.10_X.1"))

#altering values using \code{statement}
set_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25),
statement = "Y[M=1] > Y[M=0]")

#altering values using a combination of other arguments
set_priors(model = model, alphas = c(0.5,0.25), node = "Y",
nodal_type = c("00","01"), given = "X.0")

Calculate query distribution


Calculated distribution of a query from a prior or posterior distribution of parameters


  queries = NULL,
  given = NULL,
  using = "parameters",
  parameters = NULL,
  n_draws = 4000,
  join_by = "|",
  case_level = FALSE,
  query = NULL



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A vector of strings or list of strings specifying queries on potential outcomes such as "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]". Queries can also indicate conditioning sets by placing second queries after a colon: "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0] :|: X == 1 & Y == 1". Note a ':|:' is used rather than the traditional conditioning marker '|' to avoid confusion with logical operators.


A character vector specifying given conditions for each query. A 'given' is a quoted expression that evaluates to logical statement. given allows the query to be conditioned on either observed or counterfactural distributions. A value of TRUE is interpreted as no conditioning. A given statement can alternatively be provided after a colon in the query statement.


A character. Whether to use priors, posteriors or parameters


A vector or list of vectors of real numbers in [0,1]. A true parameter vector to be used instead of parameters attached to the model in case using specifies parameters


An integer. Number of draws.rm


A character. The logical operator joining expanded types when query contains wildcard (.). Can take values "&" (logical AND) or "|" (logical OR). When restriction contains wildcard (.) and join_by is not specified, it defaults to "|", otherwise it defaults to NULL.


Logical. If TRUE estimates the probability of the query for a case.


alias for queries


A data frame where columns contain draws from the distribution of the potential outcomes specified in query


model <- make_model("X -> Y") |>
         set_parameters(c(.5, .5, .1, .2, .3, .4))
 # simple  queries
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])", using = "priors") |>

 # multiple  queries
     query = list(PE = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])", NE = "(Y[X=1] < Y[X=0])"),
     using = "priors")|>

 # multiple queries and givens, with ':' to identify conditioning distributions
   query = list(POC = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]) :|: X == 1 & Y == 1",
                Q = "(Y[X=1] < Y[X=0]) :|: (Y[X=1] <= Y[X=0])"),
   using = "priors")|>

 # multiple queries and givens, using 'given' argument
   query = list("(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])", "(Y[X=1] < Y[X=0])"),
   given = list("Y==1", "(Y[X=1] <= Y[X=0])"),
   using = "priors")|>

 # linear queries
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])")

 # Linear query conditional on potential outcomes
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]) :|: Y[X=1]==0")

 # Use join_by to amend query interpretation
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=.] == 1)", join_by = "&")

 # Probability of causation query
    query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
    given = "X==1 & Y==1",
    using = "priors")  |> head()

 # Case level probability of causation query
    query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
    given = "X==1 & Y==1",
    case_level = TRUE,
    using = "priors")

 # Query posterior
 update_model(model, make_data(model, n = 3)) |>
 query_distribution(query = "(Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])", using = "posteriors") |>

 # Case level queries provide the inference for a case, which is a scalar
 # The case level query *updates* on the given information
 # For instance, here we have a model for which we are quite sure that X
 # causes Y but we do not know whether it works through two positive effects
 # or two negative effects. Thus we do not know if M=0 would suggest an
 # effect or no effect

 model <-
   make_model("X -> M -> Y") |>
   update_model(data.frame(X = rep(0:1, 8), Y = rep(0:1, 8)), iter = 10000)

 Q <- "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]"
 G <- "X==1 & Y==1 & M==1"
 QG <- "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]) & (X==1 & Y==1 & M==1)"

 # In this case these are very different:
 query_distribution(model, Q, given = G, using = "posteriors")[[1]] |> mean()
 query_distribution(model, Q, given = G, using = "posteriors",
   case_level = TRUE)

 # These are equivalent:
 # 1. Case level query via function
 query_distribution(model, Q, given = G,
    using = "posteriors", case_level = TRUE)

 # 2. Case level query by hand using Bayes' rule
     list(QG = QG, G = G),
     using = "posteriors") |>

Query helpers


Various helpers to describe queries or parts of queries in natural language.

Generate a statement for Y monotonic (increasing) in X

Generate a statement for Y weakly monotonic (increasing) in X

Generate a statement for Y monotonic (decreasing) in X

Generate a statement for Y weakly monotonic (not increasing) in X

Generate a statement for X1, X1 interact in the production of Y

Generate a statement for X1, X1 complement each other in the production of Y

Generate a statement for X1, X1 substitute for each other in the production of Y

Generate a statement for (Y(1) - Y(0)). This statement when applied to a model returns an element in (1,0,-1) and not a set of cases. This is useful for some purposes such as querying a model, but not for uses that require a list of types, such as set_restrictions.


increasing(X, Y)

non_decreasing(X, Y)

decreasing(X, Y)

non_increasing(X, Y)

interacts(X1, X2, Y)

complements(X1, X2, Y)

substitutes(X1, X2, Y)

te(X, Y)



A character. The quoted name of the input node


A character. The quoted name of the outcome node


A character. The quoted name of the input node 1.


A character. The quoted name of the input node 2.


A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement

A character statement of class statement


increasing('A', 'B')

non_decreasing('A', 'B')

decreasing('A', 'B')

non_increasing('A', 'B')

interacts('A', 'B', 'W')
get_query_types(model = make_model('X-> Y <- W'),
         query = interacts('X', 'W', 'Y'), map = "causal_type")

complements('A', 'B', 'W')

get_query_types(model = make_model('A -> B <- C'),
         query = substitutes('A', 'C', 'B'),map = "causal_type")

query_model(model = make_model('A -> B <- C'),
         queries = substitutes('A', 'C', 'B'),
         using = 'parameters')

te('A', 'B')

model <- make_model('X->Y') |> set_restrictions(increasing('X', 'Y'))
query_model(model, list(ate = te('X', 'Y')),  using = 'parameters')

# set_restrictions  breaks with te because it requires a listing
# of causal types, not numeric output.

## Not run: 
model <- make_model('X->Y') |> set_restrictions(te('X', 'Y'))

## End(Not run)

Generate data frame for batches of causal queries


Calculated from a parameter vector, from a prior or from a posterior distribution.


  queries = NULL,
  given = NULL,
  using = list("parameters"),
  parameters = NULL,
  stats = NULL,
  n_draws = 4000,
  expand_grid = NULL,
  case_level = FALSE,
  query = NULL,
  cred = 95,
  labels = NULL



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A vector of strings or list of strings specifying queries on potential outcomes such as "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]". Queries can also indicate conditioning sets by placing second queries after a colon: "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0] :|: X == 1 & Y == 1". Note a colon, ':|:' is used rather than the traditional conditioning marker '|' to avoid confusion with logical operators.


A character vector specifying given conditions for each query. A 'given' is a quoted expression that evaluates to logical statement. given allows the query to be conditioned on either observed or counterfactural distributions. A value of TRUE is interpreted as no conditioning. A given statement can alternatively be provided after a colon in the query statement.


A vector or list of strings. Whether to use priors, posteriors or parameters.


A vector of real numbers in [0,1]. Values of parameters to specify (optional). By default, parameters is drawn from the parameters dataframe. See inspect(model, "parameters_df").


Functions to be applied to the query distribution. If NULL, defaults to mean, standard deviation, and 95% confidence interval. Functions should return a single numeric value.


An integer. Number of draws.


Logical. If TRUE then all combinations of provided lists are examined. If not then each list is cycled through separately. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE estimates the probability of the query for a case.


alias for queries


size of the credible interval ranging between 0 and 100


labels for queries: if provided labels should have the length of the combinations of requests


Queries can condition on observed or counterfactual quantities. Nested or "complex" counterfactual queries of the form Y[X=1, M[X=0]] are allowed.


An object of class model_query. A data frame with possible columns: model, query, given, using, case_level, mean, sd, cred.low, cred.high. Further columns are generated as specified in stats.


model <- make_model("X -> Y")
query_model(model, "Y[X=1] - Y[X = 0]", using = "priors")
query_model(model, "Y[X=1] - Y[X = 0] :|: X==1 & Y==1", using = "priors")
  list("Y[X=1] - Y[X = 0]",
       "Y[X=1] - Y[X = 0] :|: X==1 & Y==1"),
  using = "priors")
query_model(model, "Y[X=1] > Y[X = 0]", using = "parameters")
query_model(model, "Y[X=1] > Y[X = 0]", using = c("priors", "parameters"))

# `expand_grid= TRUE` requests the Cartesian product of arguments

models <- list(
 M1 = make_model("X -> Y"),
 M2 = make_model("X -> Y") |>
   set_restrictions("Y[X=1] < Y[X=0]")

# No expansion: lists should be equal length
  query = list(ATE = "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]",
               Share_positive = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]"),
  given = c(TRUE,  "Y==1 & X==1"),
  using = c("parameters", "priors"),
  expand_grid = FALSE)

# Expansion when query and given arguments coupled
  query = list(ATE = "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]",
               Share_positive = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0] :|: Y==1 & X==1"),
  using = c("parameters", "priors"),
  expand_grid = TRUE)

# Expands over query and given argument when these are not coupled
  query = list(ATE = "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]",
               Share_positive = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]"),
  given = c(TRUE,  "Y==1 & X==1"),
  using = c("parameters", "priors"),
  expand_grid = TRUE)

# An example of a custom statistic: uncertainty of token causation
f <- function(x) mean(x)*(1-mean(x))

  using = list( "parameters", "priors"),
  query = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]",
  stats = c(mean = mean, sd = sd, token_variance = f))

Realise outcomes


Realise outcomes for all causal types. Calculated by sequentially calculating endogenous nodes. If a do operator is applied to any node then it takes the given value and all its descendants are generated accordingly.


realise_outcomes(model, dos = NULL, node = NULL, add_rownames = TRUE)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A named list. Do actions defining node values, e.g., list(X = 0, M = 1).


A character. An optional quoted name of the node whose outcome should be revealed. If specified all values of parents need to be specified via dos.


logical indicating whether to add causal types as rownames to the output


If a node is not specified all outcomes are realised for all possible causal types consistent with the model. If a node is specified then outcomes of Y are returned conditional on different values of parents, whether or not these values of the parents obtain given restrictions under the model.

realise_outcomes starts off by creating types (via get_nodal_types). It then takes types of endogenous and reveals their outcome based on the value that their parents took. Exogenous nodes outcomes correspond to their type.


A data.frame object of revealed data for each node (columns) given causal / nodal type (rows).


make_model("X -> Y") |>

make_model("X -> Y <- W") |>
set_restrictions(labels = list(X = "1", Y="0010"),
                 keep = TRUE) |>

make_model("X1->Y; X2->M; M->Y") |>
realise_outcomes(dos = list(X1 = 1, M = 0))

# With node specified
make_model("X->M->Y") |>
realise_outcomes(node = "Y")

make_model("X->M->Y") |>
realise_outcomes(dos = list(M = 1), node = "Y")

Set confound


Adjust parameter matrix to allow confounding.


set_confound(model, confound = NULL)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A list of statements indicating pairs of nodes whose types are jointly distributed (e.g. list("A <-> B", "C <-> D")).


Confounding between X and Y arises when the nodal types for X and Y are not independently distributed. In the X -> Y graph, for instance, there are 2 nodal types for X and 4 for Y. There are thus 8 joint nodal types:

|          | t^X                |                    |           |
|     |    | 0                  | 1                  | Sum       |
| t^Y | 00 | Pr(t^X=0 & t^Y=00) | Pr(t^X=1 & t^Y=00) | Pr(t^Y=00)|
|     | 10 | .                  | .                  | .         |
|     | 01 | .                  | .                  | .         |
|     | 11 | .                  | .                  | .         |
|     |Sum | Pr(t^X=0)          | Pr(t^X=1)          | 1         |

This table has 8 interior elements and so an unconstrained joint distribution would have 7 degrees of freedom. A no confounding assumption means that Pr(t^X | t^Y) = Pr(t^X), or Pr(t^X, t^Y) = Pr(t^X)Pr(t^Y). In this case there would be 3 degrees of freedom for Y and 1 for X, totaling 4 rather than 7.

set_confound lets you relax this assumption by increasing the number of parameters characterizing the joint distribution. Using the fact that P(A,B) = P(A)P(B|A) new parameters are introduced to capture P(B|A=a) rather than simply P(B). For instance here two parameters (and one degree of freedom) govern the distribution of types X and four parameters (with 3 degrees of freedom) govern the types for Y given the type of X for a total of 1+3+3 = 7 degrees of freedom.


An object of class causal_model with updated parameters_df and parameter matrix.

See Also

Other set: set_prior_distribution(), set_restrictions()


make_model('X -> Y; X <-> Y') |>

make_model('X -> M -> Y; X <-> Y') |>

model <- make_model('X -> M -> Y; X <-> Y; M <-> Y')
inspect(model, "parameters_df")

# Example where set_confound is implemented after restrictions
make_model("A -> B -> C") |>
set_restrictions(increasing("A", "B")) |>
set_confound("B <-> C") |>

# Example where two parents are confounded
make_model('A -> B <- C; A <-> C') |>
  set_parameters(node = "C", c(0.05, .95, .95, 0.05)) |>
  make_data(n = 50) |>

 # Example with two confounds, added sequentially
model <- make_model('A -> B -> C') |>
  set_confound(list("A <-> B", "B <-> C"))
inspect(model, "statement")
# plot(model)

Add prior distribution draws


Add 'n_param x n_draws' database of possible parameter draws to the model.


set_prior_distribution(model, n_draws = 4000)



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A scalar. Number of draws.


An object of class causal_model with the 'prior_distribution' attached to it.

See Also

Other set: set_confound(), set_restrictions()


make_model('X -> Y') |>
  set_prior_distribution(n_draws = 5) |>

Restrict a model


Restrict a model's parameter space. This reduces the number of nodal types and in consequence the number of unit causal types.


  statement = NULL,
  join_by = "|",
  labels = NULL,
  param_names = NULL,
  given = NULL,
  keep = FALSE



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A quoted expressions defining the restriction. If values for some parents are not specified, statements should be surrounded by parentheses, for instance (Y[A = 1] > Y[A=0]) will be interpreted for all combinations of other parents of Y set at possible levels they might take.


A string. The logical operator joining expanded types when statement contains wildcard (.). Can take values '&' (logical AND) or '|' (logical OR). When restriction contains wildcard (.) and join_by is not specified, it defaults to '|', otherwise it defaults to NULL. Note that join_by joins within statements, not across statements.


A list of character vectors specifying nodal types to be kept or removed from the model. Use get_nodal_types to see syntax. Note that labels gets overwritten by statement if statement is not NULL.


A character vector of names of parameters to restrict on.


A character vector or list of character vectors specifying nodes on which the parameter set to be restricted depends. When restricting by statement, given must either be NULL or of the same length as statement. When mixing statements that are further restricted by given and ones that are not, statements without given restrictions should have given specified as one of NULL, NA, "" or " ".


Logical. If 'FALSE', removes and if 'TRUE' keeps only causal types specified by statement or labels.


Restrictions are made to nodal types, not to unit causal types. Thus for instance in a model X -> M -> Y, one cannot apply a simple restriction so that Y is nondecreasing in X, however one can restrict so that M is nondecreasing in X and Y nondecreasing in M. To have a restriction that Y be nondecreasing in X would otherwise require restrictions on causal types, not nodal types, which implies a form of undeclared confounding (i.e. that in cases in which M is decreasing in X, Y is decreasing in M).

Since restrictions are to nodal types, all parents of a node are implicitly fixed. Thus for model make_model(`X -> Y <- W`) the request set_restrictions(`(Y[X=1] == 0)`) is interpreted as set_restrictions(`(Y[X=1, W=0] == 0 | Y[X=1, W=1] == 0)`).

Statements with implicitly controlled nodes should be surrounded by parentheses, as in these examples.

Note that prior probabilities are redistributed over remaining types.


An object of class model. The causal types and nodal types in the model are reduced according to the stated restriction.

See Also

Other set: set_confound(), set_prior_distribution()


# 1. Restrict parameter space using statements
model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
  set_restrictions(statement = c('X[] == 0'))

model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
  set_restrictions(non_increasing('X', 'Y'))

model <- make_model('X -> Y <- W') |>
  set_restrictions(c(decreasing('X', 'Y'), substitutes('X', 'W', 'Y')))

inspect(model, "parameters_df")

model <- make_model('X-> Y <- W') |>
  set_restrictions(statement = decreasing('X', 'Y'))
inspect(model, "parameters_df")

model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
  set_restrictions(decreasing('X', 'Y'))
inspect(model, "parameters_df")

model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
  set_restrictions(c(increasing('X', 'Y'), decreasing('X', 'Y')))
inspect(model, "parameters_df")

# Restrict to define a model with monotonicity
model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
set_restrictions(statement = c('Y[X=1] < Y[X=0]'))
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

# Restrict to a single type in endogenous node
model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
set_restrictions(statement =  '(Y[X = 1] == 1)', join_by = '&', keep = TRUE)
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

#  Use of | and &
# Keep node if *for some value of B* Y[A = 1] == 1
model <- make_model('A->Y<-B') |>
set_restrictions(statement =  '(Y[A = 1] == 1)', join_by = '|', keep = TRUE)
dim(inspect(model ,"parameter_matrix"))

# Keep node if *for all values of B* Y[A = 1] == 1
model <- make_model('A->Y<-B') |>
set_restrictions(statement =  '(Y[A = 1] == 1)', join_by = '&', keep = TRUE)
dim(inspect(model, "parameter_matrix"))

# Restrict multiple nodes
model <- make_model('X->Y<-M; X -> M' ) |>
set_restrictions(statement =  c('(Y[X = 1] == 1)', '(M[X = 1] == 1)'),
                 join_by = '&', keep = TRUE)
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

# Restrict using statements and given:
model <- make_model("X -> Y -> Z; X <-> Z") |>
 set_restrictions(list(decreasing('X','Y'), decreasing('Y','Z')),
                  given = c(NA,'X.0'))
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

# Restrictions on levels for endogenous nodes aren't allowed
## Not run: 
model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
set_restrictions(statement =  '(Y == 1)')

## End(Not run)

# 2. Restrict parameter space Using labels:
model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
set_restrictions(labels = list(X = '0', Y = '00'))

# Restrictions can be  with wildcards
model <- make_model('X->Y') |>
set_restrictions(labels = list(Y = '?0'))
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

# Deterministic model
model <- make_model('S -> C -> Y <- R <- X; X -> C -> R') |>
set_restrictions(labels = list(C = '1000', R = '0001', Y = '0001'),
                 keep = TRUE)
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

# Restrict using labels and given:
model <- make_model("X -> Y -> Z; X <-> Z") |>
 set_restrictions(labels = list(X = '0', Z = '00'), given = c(NA,'X.0'))
inspect(model, "parameter_matrix")

Summarizing causal models


summary method for class "causal_model".


## S3 method for class 'causal_model'
summary(object, include = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.causal_model'
print(x, what = NULL, ...)



An object of causal_model class produced using make_model or update_model.


A character string specifying the additional objects to include in summary. Defaults to NULL. See details for full list of available values.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of summary.causal_model class, produced using summary.causal_model.


A character string specifying the objects summaries to print. Defaults to NULL printing causal statement, specification of nodal types and summary of model restrictions. See details for full list of available values.


In addition to the default objects included in 'summary.causal_model' users can request additional objects via 'include' argument. Note that these additional objects can be large for complex models and can increase computing time. The 'include' argument can be a vector of any of the following additional objects:

  • "parameter_matrix" A matrix mapping from parameters into causal types,

  • "parameter_mapping" a matrix mapping from parameters into data types,

  • "causal_types" A data frame listing causal types and the nodal types that produce them,

  • "prior_distribution" A data frame of the parameter prior distribution,

  • "ambiguities_matrix" A matrix mapping from causal types into data types,

  • "type_prior" A matrix of type probabilities using priors.

print.summary.causal_model reports causal statement, full specification of nodal types and summary of model restrictions. By specifying 'what' argument users can instead print a custom summary of any set of the following objects contained in the 'summary.causal_model':

  • "statement" A character string giving the causal statement,

  • "nodes" A list containing the nodes in the model,

  • "parents" A list of parents of all nodes in a model,

  • "parents_df" A data frame listing nodes, whether they are root nodes or not, and the number and names of parents they have,

  • "parameters" A vector of 'true' parameters,

  • "parameters_df" A data frame containing parameter information,

  • "parameter_names" A vector of names of parameters,

  • "parameter_mapping" A matrix mapping from parameters into data types,

  • "parameter_matrix" A matrix mapping from parameters into causal types,

  • "causal_types" A data frame listing causal types and the nodal types that produce them,

  • "nodal_types" A list with the nodal types of the model,

  • "data_types" A list with the all data types consistent with the model; for options see '"?get_all_data_types"',

  • "prior_hyperparameters" A vector of alpha values used to parameterize Dirichlet prior distributions; optionally provide node names to reduce output ‘inspect(prior_hyperparameters, c(’M', 'Y'))'

  • "prior_distribution" A data frame of the parameter prior distribution,

  • "prior_event_probabilities" A vector of data (event) probabilities given a single (sepcified) parameter vector; for options see '"?get_event_probabilities"',

  • "ambiguities_matrix" A matrix mapping from causal types into data types,

  • "type_prior" A matrix of type probabilities using priors,

  • "type_posterior" A matrix of type probabilities using posteriors,

  • "posterior_distribution" A data frame of the parameter posterior distribution,

  • "posterior_event_probabilities" A sample of data (event) probabilities from the posterior,

  • "data" A data frame with data that was used to update model,

  • "stanfit" A 'stanfit' object generated by Stan,

  • "stan_summary" A 'stanfit' summary with updated parameter names.


Returns the object of class summary.causal_model that preserves the list structure of causal_model class and adds the following additional objects:

  • "parents" a list of parents of all nodes in a model,

  • "parameters" a vector of 'true' parameters,

  • "parameter_names" a vector of names of parameters,

  • "data_types" a list with the all data types consistent with the model; for options see "?get_all_data_types",

  • "prior_event_probabilities" a vector of prior data (event) probabilities given a parameter vector; for options see "?get_event_probabilities",

  • "prior_hyperparameters" a vector of alpha values used to parameterize Dirichlet prior distributions; optionally provide node names to reduce output "inspect(prior_hyperparameters, c('M', 'Y'))"


model <-
  make_model("X -> Y")

model |>
    keep_event_probabilities = TRUE,
    keep_fit = TRUE,
    data = make_data(model, n = 100)
  ) |>

model <-
  make_model("X -> Y")

model <-
  model |>
    keep_event_probabilities = TRUE,
    keep_fit = TRUE,
    data = make_data(model, n = 100)

print(summary(model), what = "type_posterior")
print(summary(model), what = "posterior_distribution")
print(summary(model), what = "posterior_event_probabilities")
print(summary(model), what = "data_types")
print(summary(model), what = "prior_hyperparameters")
print(summary(model), what = c("statement", "nodes"))
print(summary(model), what = "parameters_df")
print(summary(model), what = "posterior_event_probabilities")
print(summary(model), what = "posterior_distribution")
print(summary(model), what = "data")
print(summary(model), what = "stanfit")
print(summary(model), what = "type_posterior")

# Large objects have to be added to the summary before printing
print(summary(model, include = "ambiguities_matrix"),
  what = "ambiguities_matrix")

Summarizing model queries


summary method for class "model_query".


## S3 method for class 'model_query'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.model_query'
print(x, ...)



An object of model_query class produced using query_model


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


an object of model_query class produced using query_model


Returns the object of class summary.model_query


model <-
  make_model("X -> Y") |>
  query_model("Y[X=1] > Y[X=1]")  |>

Fit causal model using 'stan'


Takes a model and data and returns a model object with data attached and a posterior model


  data = NULL,
  data_type = NULL,
  keep_type_distribution = TRUE,
  keep_event_probabilities = FALSE,
  keep_fit = FALSE,
  censored_types = NULL,



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A data.frame. Data of nodes that can take three values: 0, 1, and NA. In long form as generated by make_events


Either 'long' (as made by make_data) or 'compact' (as made by collapse_data). Compact data must have entries for each member of each strategy family to produce a valid simplex. When long form data is provided with missingness, missing data is assumed to be missing at random.


Logical. Whether to keep the (transformed) distribution of the causal types. Defaults to 'TRUE'


Logical. Whether to keep the (transformed) distribution of event probabilities. Defaults to 'FALSE'


Logical. Whether to keep the stanfit object produced by sampling for further inspection. See ?stanfit for more details. Defaults to 'FALSE'. Note the stanfit object has internal names for parameters (lambda), event probabilities (w), and the type distribution (types)


vector of data types that are selected out of the data, e.g. c("X0Y0")


Options passed onto sampling call. For details see ?rstan::sampling


An object of class causal_model with posterior distribution on parameters and other elements generated by updating; all elements accessible via get and inspect.

See Also

make_model to create a new model, summary.causal_model provides a summary method for output objects of class causal_model


model <- make_model('X->Y')
 data_long   <- make_data(model, n = 4)
 data_short  <- collapse_data(data_long, model)
 model <-  update_model(model, data_long)
 model <-  update_model(model, data_short)

   # It is possible to implement updating without data, in which
   # case the posterior is a stan object that reflects the prior


 ## Not run: 

   # Censored data types illustrations
   # Here we update less than we might because we are aware of filtered data

   data <- data.frame(X=rep(0:1, 10), Y=rep(0:1,10))
   uncensored <-
     make_model("X->Y") |>
     update_model(data) |>
     query_model(te("X", "Y"), using = "posteriors")

   censored <-
     make_model("X->Y") |>
       censored_types = c("X1Y0")) |>
     query_model(te("X", "Y"), using = "posteriors")

   # Censored data: We learn nothing because the data
   # we see is the only data we could ever see
   make_model("X->Y") |>
       censored_types = c("X1Y0", "X0Y0", "X0Y1")) |>
     query_model(te("X", "Y"), using = "posteriors")
## End(Not run)